Monday, September 15, 2008

Weapon Swing Speed

After writing the previous post, weapon swing speed came to mind. As in, how do you calculate it? Let's take a look-see.

Swings per second = (60/main hand speed/(1+haste)) + (60/off hand speed/(1+haste)) + (Special attack speed * Energy regeneration)

The first 2 parts are simple enough. Let's say you're dual wielding daggers, slow main, fast off, so something around 1.8, 1.5. Without haste, it's 33.3 swings and 40 swings respectively, for a total of 73 swings per second, or 1.2 SPS (swings per second). I round to 1 when I do a lot of calculations, that way you don't include talents or haste inherently.

As for special attacks, each "strike" requires energy and the finisher as well. Nearly all finishers hit the enemy except for Slice and Dice. Now, depending on the strike and your attack pattern, you have different speeds. Base Energy Regen is 10/s.

Mutilate --> Two mutilates followed by a Rupture --> 60+60+25 = 145energy. 3 strikes in 14.5 seconds comes to 12 strikes a minute (0.2 SPS).
Sinister Strike --> SS*5 followed by Rupture --> 40*5 + 25 = 225 energy. 6 strikes in 22.5 seconds comes to 16 strikes a minute (0.27 SPS).
Hemorrhage --> Hemo*5 followed by Rupture --> 35*5 + 25 = 200 energy. 6 strikes in 20 seconds comes to 18 strikes a minute (0.3 SPS).

Energy regeneration has a factor here where it decreases the time of your special attacks. For example, 1.5 Energy/s increase changes a Mutilate build to 0.24SPS, which is a minimal increase in regards to Swing Speed. Activating Adrenaline Rush raises the SS build to 0.53 a significant boost to swing speed. There is a near 1:1 ratio of Energy Regeneration : Special Attack speed, reduced primarily by the General Cooldown timer (1second).

So, let's look at this as a whole now. You're deep Assassination, Improved Slice and Dice, Cut to the Chase included, based Haste Rating of 200 (~12% haste). Based on the dagger information above, you have:
=((60/1.8/1.42) + (60/1.5/1.42))/60 + 0.2SPS
=(47.3+56.8)/60 + 0.2SPS
=1.94 SPS

1.94 is a pretty large number!

If you go the SS/Hemo route with a slow main, fast off (2.8/1.5) and the same stats...
=(87.2)/60 + 0.27SPS
=1.72 SPS

The build is a little slower (~22%) but still a noticeable increase over just plain attack speed.

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